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The Empty Backpack

It’s the empty backpack that sits there by the door the night before school.

It’s the backpack that won’t be filled with anything because they won’t need it in Heaven.

It's what that backpack symbolizes.

Whether your child should be going to daycare, starting Pre-K, or a senior in HS, that backpack is not going anywhere. It’s a constant reminder of what we don’t have, what we won’t get to do, and what we don’t get to see.

Please pray for those who aren’t filling a backpack this year for their child who is in Heaven.

Please pray for me and my family who won't get to walk Sadie into Cavalier Kids. Please pray for me that for the next two years, when I see Cavalier Kids at school, my heart doesn’t break more.

Please pray for God’s peace each day… for me and the parents who feel like they’re missing out on so much.

Please pray that when parents see school kids around the age of their child in Heaven, they don’t fall into a million pieces.

Please pray for their hearts as they see all the “Meet the Teacher” & “1st Day of School" pictures.

I see two handsome boys, and a sister standing next to them... It's hard.

The empty backpack is not just a physical thing. It’s a reminder of all we’re missing out on. Everything that we have no control over.

If you should be sending a child to school, I pray for you and all your emotions this week.

If you are able to send all your children to school, please remember those who are struggling. Be kind.

Be gentle with your words, and love people- no. matter. what.

Just because I’m not crying in a corner doesn’t mean I don’t hurt each second of every day. People are good at hiding pain. Please have grace because you never know what someone is truly struggling with.

We all have struggles. GRACE is enough. GRACE wins.

GRACE is what we all need.

Side Note:

Cole’s teacher, Ms. Phillips, was also Michael’s teacher. She was Michael’s teacher the whole year before we lost Sadie. She showed up at the hospital the night Sadie met Jesus. She came to my home and cleaned my house knowing I’d have company for at least another 1-2 weeks. She cared and loved on Michael when his world turned upside down. When he saw his mom and dad in a completely different light-- broken. She is what I hope to be. I am forever grateful for teachers, and I’m so proud to be one. I will never forget the impact she left on Michael as well as Trent and myself.

Welcome back to school, friends!

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