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Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

2018 has come and gone, and this was the first year Sadie wasn’t here- the whole year.

She never got to see 2018.

But, last night, many of my friends and family sent me beautiful pink skies! They were INCREDIBLE! It reminds me that she’s always here. My heart overflows when I see these pictures.

I can picture Sadie jumping up and down in her pigtails asking God, “Can we please paint the sky pink for my mommy, daddy, brothers, and ALL my family? I know this is what they look for.“

I can see God gently cup Sadie’s face and say, “Of course, my child, we will continue to show your mom and family a glimpse of you in Heaven and we will let their earthly eyes gets a speck of how glorious it is here.”

I imagine he lets Sadie go to town with pinks, purples, oranges, and blues with just the touch of her fingers.

I can see her shoulders scrunched up, clapping, with her huge smiles as her dimples light up her face.

To me, those pink sunsets are reminders that Sadie is okay in the comfort of His arms.

He knows what my heart needs at exactly the right time.

Happy New Year, friends! I hope you are able to see glimpses of heaven and you are reminded this year that this place is not our home. We are to do His work as disciples to further His kingdom.

I can’t wait to see what 2019 has planned for my family. Trent, Michael, & Cole will do amazing things... I just know it! 💗

-My verse this year-

Jesus answered him, "What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand." -John 13:7

Love y’all!

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